LATIN MONDAYS – Free Salsa & Bachata Social
MONDAY BLUES?! No, never heard of those
We will be dancing Salsa & Bachata EVERY MONDAY @Paviljonas
19:30 – FREE open level LA Salsa lesson with Vai
20:00 – FREE Salsa – Bachata party 4:2
22:00 – FREE Bachata – Salsa party 4:2
Meet us there, bring a friend, grab a drink
And YES, we will play some Bachata too
This is your perfect opportunity to practice and try out what you learnt in class AND to introduce your non dancer friends to Salsa, and change their life basically. God’s work!
The event is fully FREE, but we do encourage donations.
And don’t forget to grab a drink so the bartender doesn’t get bored
AND YES, We will play 4h of music, with the ratio of salsa:bachata changing during the night
Address: Paviljonas, Pylimo g. 21B, Vilnius
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